Article 11417

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Lauberts Kira Yur'evna, Postgraduate student, Samara State Economic University (141 Sovetskoy Armiy street, Samara, Russia),
Orlova Lyudmila Viktorovna, Doctor of sociological sciences, professor, sub-department of sociology, political science and Russian history, Samara State Technical University (244 Molodogvardeyskaya street, Samara, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. In the article the author is analyzing the influence of femaleentrepreneurs educational institute of the Kazakhstan Republic on the professional occupation. In this case the research was focused on the system of activities which will help to overcome difficulties in the educational sphere of female-entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.
Materials and methods. For the realization of the goal sociological research as survey was conducted which was oriented to the evaluation of female-entrepreneurs educational level and the influence of education on female-entrepreneurship in the West-Kazakhstan region. By the means of the method of selective questionnaire quantitative research of the special aspects of female-entrepreneurs as a social group was held. Qualitative research of the female-entrepreneurs attitude to the business activities and verification in practice the link between education and female engagement in the business sphere was conducted by means of focus-group. To reach the goal of qualitative research of entrepreneurial staff the method of remote structured interview was used.
Results. The article demonstrates the results of sociological research, which focuses on the defining the proportional correlation and interinfluence of education level and female-entrepreneur action sphere of the West-Kazakhstan region the Kazakhstan Republic, as the important element of social system, which main goal is to rise the competitive on the labor-market professional competence of female-entrepreneurs. The article illustrates the low level of professional education among female- entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan, that leads to inability of decision making, weak awareness about actions of support and business development organizations.
Conclusions. The given approaches of female-entrepreneurship supporting will help to reveal economic and creative potential of female-entrepreneurs, to increase effectiveness of their occupation in the sphere of entrepreneurship, the level of professional competences and competitiveness in the global labor-market, supporting the development of economy of Kazakhstan in general.

Key words

business, female enterprise, business degree, education

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Дата создания: 26.04.2018 09:10
Дата обновления: 26.04.2018 11:06